This card and gift tag set was a blast to make! I had done some ink spritzing with Real Red Ink on Whisper White Paper for another project a few months ago, but it didn't work out the way I wanted, so I set the paper aside for another day when I had a good idea for what to do with it.
I decided to use the spritzed paper as blood splatter and create some spooky crime scene cards for Halloween and the
Addicted to CAS Challenge #75. The challenge is to create a clean and simple card with a spooky feel. I think I captured that, and maybe ventured into gruesome.... oh well. :)
This project I think was the perfect use for my 'blood splatter spritzed' card stock and I am even tempted to do another project with the same technique.
To make these cards I used my amazing Silhouette Cameo to cut out the chalk body outlines and to sketch out the font for the police tape. For the chalk body outlines I started with a jpeg of a man, I used the knife tool to cut his body pieces and rearranged him so his body would lay in weird angles. (hearing myself say that I sound like I cut up a body, which does fit the theme of this card, although it makes me fell icky) After I had the limbs angled in the way I wanted I used the offset tool to create an outside outline at 0.06 inches. For the caution Tape I used Ariel MS font to type out what I wanted to write. Next I used the offset tool's internal offset to get the text to be as close to a single line as possible and saved it. I deleted the original font and 'cut' the font using my sketch pen. Once it was finished in my Cameo I just cut it into strips using my paper trimmer.

Thanks for checking out my spooky blog post today. I had a great time making these cards, even if I sounded like a creep in the process. :)
Stay Creative my darlings,